Positive Reflections

Aiman Nasir
2 min readFeb 12, 2021

Reflecting back on before I joined Amal Academy and comparing myself with the recent me, there is something evidently positive about my behavior, self confidence, the way I perceive myself and the world around me and believe in my abilities. All thanks to the great platform like Amal Academy, that truly teaches and practices their excellent motto, “The world is something to be made and remade by continuous action/amal”, the youth of Pakistan is able to rise above and go beyond. Among a lot of changes these few months brought, what I’m most proud of, and is the root of everything else — is my confidence.

I am confident to take responsibility, to learn and practice new things, to start doing instead of just planning, to take ownership of life, and the confidence and positivity that “I can do more than I think I’m capable of”. This way of living is the most fulfilling, and in whatever phase of life you are, this mindset will keep you happy. Because you will always be trying to move forward, and taking every downside as an opportunity to grow.

…it does.

The lucky chances that this Fellowship has provided us with, are to present ourselves with, yes, confidence. To actually step out of your comfort zone, and face the world. A few examples are video cover letters, mock interviews, in person sessions and teamwork.

I am grateful that I found this platform and had the opportunity to be a part of a learning group, amazing colleagues to share my growth with, wonderful facilitators who helped us in every way possible, and also taught us that our biggest helping hand is at the end of our own arms. I hope and pray that this opportunity reaches to every young fellow who seeks the world and its ways, who wants to be polite yet proud, to have a growth mindset, communication, and leadership, and most importantly, positivity regarding our uncertain future.

Best of luck!



Aiman Nasir

Student of Pharm-D, Bibliophile, Cinephile, Aesthete