In our routine, we perform activities that we do not pay much attention to, but are very much worthy of appreciation. These are called random acts that have apparently lost their value, but once in a while, we must stop, look closely, and acknowledge these seemingly small acts of kindness-both of others and ourselves’.
Above are some really small, random but precious acts of kindness you can do effortlessly and boost your day. As of me, let me share some of my unplanned modest activities as well in last 24 hours.
We both are night owls and often eat our midnight snacks together, that I am in charge of making. But its getting difficult to get out of cozy beds these days and formally grab a bite. Digestive biscuits are my way to go in present times.
As the youngest, others might relate as well, my work in the kitchen is usually cutting or chopping onions, potatoes, ginger and garlic &c. As my mom was making Chicken Chow Mein today, I offered to cut vegetables for her. Alas! nobody offers to cut for me when its my turn to cook.
As I got some time to myself in the afternoon, I quickly made these cute paperclips bookmarks for some of my friends from whom, I've either borrowed books to read, or have ordered from their small businesses.
When nephews and nieces are home, one barely gets time to themselves. Our evening playtime includes making this little fort from cushions, and then jumping over and destroying it-in a cycle-at least 5 times. It definitely includes my kindness and patience.
Allowing my sister to rest, and taking responsibilities of him, is how we roll the day. At one hand, where we get tired and chaotic, we also get time to sit back and relax, and watch some funny morph episodes.
A very simple and significant message is, “Be kind to one another” by Ellen DeGeneres and many many others.